Non-Fiction Books
Kim Sigafus' non-fiction books are educational and inspiring, with topics covering current writers and elders, along with a timely history of the Ojibwa people.
Kim Sigafus' non-fiction books are educational and inspiring, with topics covering current writers and elders, along with a timely history of the Ojibwa people.
Learn about the life events and aspirations that shaped the voices of ten influential Native writers, whose novels, short stories and plays encompass the soul of Native life. Learn how these writers draw from personal experience to create situations and characters that are entertaining and poignant.
In Indigenous cultures, elders serve as a bridge across time: they are connected to the past, they live in the present and they offer wisdom for the future. In these fascinating biographical essays, twelve First Nation and Native American elders share stories from their lives and tell what it was like to live in a time before television, cell phones and video games.
This is a short read but a great overview of the Ojibwa people. Where they came from, how they lived, what's important to them, oral traditions and a prophecy that moved them across North America are all explored in this book.